Monday, September 28, 2009

Best Tips to Prevent Nail Fungus

Nail fungus occurs on toenail and makes nails thick, ugly, and discolored. Awareness in preventing nail fungi can minimize its risk and preserve your healthy nails. Here are do and don't when it comes to basics of nail fungus prevention.

Do not wear shoes that are too tight (or wear shoes for a very long time), it can cause your feet to perspire and build fungus.

Do not borrow nail cutter and other tools from other people as it might cause transferring of fungus, because if the other person has nail fungus infection it might get to you.

Do keep nails clean and dry and make sure they breathe fresh air.

Remember, once nail fungus occurs in one toenail it spreads to other nails at the same feet. Nail fungus infection can be self treated, or it can be doctor prescribed. Some medicines can cause side effects especially on those people who are suffering from liver diseases and can also cause allergies because of its high toxic contents. In many cases, nail fungus natural cure is a preferred way to treat nail fungus. It is not toxic, safe and effective. Your liver will thank you.

Nail fungus treatments have a success rate of 60-80% and there is no assurance it will not occur again. As a fact, it has a 15 percent chance to reoccur. Nail Fungus is a long lasting kind of infection. That is why after treating nail fungus, it is still recommended to continue the use of anti-fungal treatments. This is to prevent another build up of fungus infection.

The best way to keep healthy nails is to keep your nail hygiene. To prevent nail fungus infection we have to follow certain methods. First, wear open footwear as much as possible. Second, change socks immediately if they become damp (or wear absorbent socks). Third, don't wear high top boots if not necessary. Fourth, treat nail fungus as early as you can to stop it from spreading.


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