Monday, September 28, 2009

Would You Expect to Find a Wart There?

You may wake up one morning to find a growth on your hand or foot knowing fully that it wasn't there the night before. That little growth commonly called a wart, most likely is the result of a viral infection that was transmitted to you at some point in time. Don't fret too much as to when the infection happened since it could have been months or even years before you see that full grown wart. Warts, also called verruca, in general are small tumors caused by a viral infection, specifically by the HPV (human papillomavirus). Warts are generally contagious and be transmitted to other people by sharing towels, women sharing lipsticks and men sharing cigarettes etc.

Warts, after their initial appearance, tend to disappear on their own after a few months but can stick around for years. Some warts are so comfortable in their places that they never seem to leave. Even some doctors would say that it if doesn't bother you, just leave it alone. After all, if you start messing around trying to get rid of it, it may come back tougher and uglier. When the wart start to jeopardize with your appearance and looks, that's when you intervene and get rid of that bad boy.

There are different types of wart. There is the flat wart that has a flatten shape and flesh coloured that can occur on the face, neck and hand etc. The digitate that can find its place on the eyelids, lips etc. The plantar wart that can be found on the sole of the feet and the one you don't want to have, the genital wart, that is found on the genitalia. How did that get there, you may ask yourself? The important thing is not to throw accusations at nobody, specially yourself. The less stress you have, the better to find a cure for your wart.

Some common viral warts can be easily treated with salicylic acid for total removal. Other warts can be treated with the duct tape method, where you bandage the wart with duct tape for six days, which is followed by soaking in warm water and scrape with pumice stone. You can also treat the wart with an over the counter product, the silver nitrate that can be found in most drug stores. If your wart is pretty stubborn, then you may have to see a doctor for a prescription. Treatments that can be prescribed by the doctor can be,the application of podophyllum resin paint, the use of a cream like imiquimod that helps the immune system fight the wart virus and possibly cryosurgery, that is freezing the wart. You may want to start with a mild solution first before you delve into something more aggressive like cryosurgery. Remember that in many cases, warts tend to re-occur.


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