Monday, September 28, 2009

Home Remedy For Wart Removal - An Unbelievable Remedy

Warts are ugly, bothersome bumps on the skin caused by a virus. They generally disappear on their own, but it could take years. If you're the impatient type and would like to speed things up, find a home remedy for wart removal that works best for you.

Here are some ideas:

Duct Tape

It is probably the most popular home remedy for wart removal, if not the most controversial. Although it may seem absurd, this is actually supported by a scientific study released in 2002, claiming that it is in fact an effective method in removing or eliminating warts.

To use the duct tape method, cut a small piece, big enough to cover the wart. Leave it on for five to six days. After keeping it covered, remove the tape and soak the wart in warm water, then scrub it with a pumice stone or an emery board. If the wart does not come off, repeat the procedure again for another one to two weeks.

Aloe Vera

Another proven remedy is aloe vera. It is best to soak a cotton ball in aloe, preferably the gel. After soaking for about a minute, tape the cotton ball to your wart. You can add aloe vera to the wart or soak a cotton ball in aloe vera every few hours. By leaving the cotton ball in place, except for changing it everyday, the wart should come off in a matter of days.

Tea tree oil

This essential oil is an amazing antiseptic which can kill most bacteria, thereby making it an extremely potent home remedy for wart removal. This method has a very high rate of success, making it a popular choice. Simply apply the tea tree oil directly on the wart everyday until it disappears.

Echinacea Pills

Echinacea was heavily used by Native American Indians as a cure-all wonder drug. It was the most popular herb in medical practice in the USA in the early 1900's. To date, it is still one of the most prescribed herbal products the world over.

These pills are said to help the healing of mild skin infections which makes it also perfect for aiding in the elimination of warts. Just take a pill or two everyday as prescribed on the bottle.

Essential Lemon Oil

Because of its Vitamin C-rich quality, lemon oil is easily a popular home remedy for wart removal. Just apply one drop of essential lemon oil directly on the wart. Repeat until wart is gone.

Castor oil

Castor oil is another effective wart removal remedy. To use it, simply apply the oil to your wart then gently rub or massage the area with your fingers. Do this day and night for a number of weeks and your wart should be gone.

Banana Peel

Rubbing a banana peel on your wart for a few weeks is touted to do wonders for your skin as it can get rid of certain skin disorders like warts. Rub the banana peel a number of times during the day for best results.

You can find more home remedies for wart removal online or from published home remedy books. Find one that suits you best. Remember: when using home remedies, nothing is guaranteed. Its effectiveness generally differs from one person to another.


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